Friday, June 13, 2014

A Love Letter To My Husband

My husband and I have been married for nearly a year now, and I've been thinking and thinking of what I could get him. Tradition states that the first anniversary is "paper" (or, more moderately plastic or clocks). I've decided that I wanted to be traditional and stick to the paper route.

A lot of thinking has gone into this but I think I've finally decided what I'm going to do...

First off I will HAND WRITE the lyrics to our song "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz, the sone we danced to as Husband and Wife, and decorate it and frame it.

Next, I've got some inspiration from Pintrest and found the idea of doing "52 reasons 'I Love You'". Using a deck of cards you write 1 reason you love them on each card and bind it in a book. Since my husband enjoys poker and card games I thought it would be such a nice idea! It was quite easy to think of 52 reasons as well! Simple things like "you like to cuddle" or "you inspire me", as it's the small things that mean the most in life.

I also saw an idea on Pintrest that was a jar full of memories, so I'm going to do this. I've written some of the best memories starting July 6th 2013 to July 6th 2014. I came up with 14 memories of our year together so far :)

The last thing I will include in his gift is a personal love letter. Although I won't post the whole thing on here, here is an expert:

"I don’t know if you realize this but before you came along I had very little faith that I would ever find love. I never got a lot of attention from guys, at least nothing I ever noticed or was approached for. I had begun to believe that I was unwanted, not beautiful enough, and possibly unlovable. You changed that. You make me feel wanted. You make me feel beautiful. You make me feel loved. You showed me a confidence in myself I never knew I had, for before you I constantly worried about what people thought of me. After you came along I no longer needed opinions from others, because I had yours and that’s all that mattered me to. Because of you I feel comfortable in my own skin. And for that I thank you."

As a special activity for us, we are planning on going Zip Lining down the Elora Gorge. 150$ each for the entire day, includes rappelling down the Gorge and 3-5 turns on the zip line! It's going to be scary as hell but also fun!

That's all I have to say,
Nessie <3 


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