Monday, June 22, 2015

My views on religion

I am not a religious person. That being said, I do believe in God, and that we all have a purpose in life. I believe everything happens for a reason. I believe we are only given as much as we can handle in life. But I also believe that there is way too much scientific facts about evolution and dinosaurs to believe the world was created by one being. 

What got me thinking along these lines was the fact that I stopped by the church my cousins go to yesterday to pick up a custom shirt I had made for my husband for our anniversary. I figured it was a good place for my cousin and I to meet. When I was younger I attended the same church, but not for long. As a result I never saw the need to go to church just to show my views, because I don't have a clear cut religion. My cousin had asked me if I wanted to attend the service, but I declined. When I met him he asked if I wanted to go in for some cake as they were having some for Fathers Day. Again I declined. I felt as if I would be intruding. 

I have no problem with religion and religious people. I admire the fact that they can believe one thing rather than being confused on what to believe. What my problem is is when people try to tell you that their way is the only way. That God had to create the world because the bible says no, and they disregard the evidence of dinosaur bones- they're not mentioned in the bible so they couldn't have existed. That's what I don't like. That's part of the reason I refuse to buy into one religion. 

I like the way I think. I like being open to other beliefs and ideas. Why is it so hard to believe there could be more than one God? Or that God is more than one being? There are way too many different religions to believe that one person did all of this, because if that was the case than wouldn't there just be one story? If God created the world and everything in it, than why would be make others believe he didn't? Why would God provide proof of other religions? 

I'm not saying I believe in all religions, some are a little farfetched and hard to grasp. But you can't tell me there's only one way of thinking. 

Maybe God didn't create the world, maybe the "Big Bang" did create the planet we live on... But does that mean God couldn't have created humans? Maybe he created us, but not everything on the planet. Is it so hard to believe both theories are correct? Why does everything have to be one way?

This is why I refuse to label myself with a religion. I'm a theoretical person, and there are too many different theories that make sense for me to believe only one is correct. I'll keep living my life with my beliefs and I hope everyone can respect me for what I think. 

Til next time 
Nessie <3


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