Wednesday, July 15, 2015


I've noticed something I do when someone complements me. I say "oh! Thanks!". In a surprised sort of way. Always "Oh!" Like I don't deserve it, or I'm shocked you're saying it to me. 

I've been thinking about this for about a week now and trying to come up with a reason why. I still haven't. 

It's like I don't know how just to say "thank you" with a smile. I always have to add that "oh!" Into it. Maybe it's a sign of insecurity. Although I'm fairly confident in myself as a being, I'm not always sure how other people will see it. Do I care what others have to say about how I dress or what I do? Honestly I don't. But I guess some part of me is surprised when they actually agree with me about something. Like a shirt. I may love the shirt I put on, and when someone says "I like your shirt" I go "oh! Thanks. I got it at... *insert store name*". I can't just say "thank you". 

I think another part of it is that, to me, it sounds conceded to just be like "thanks" because it makes you sound like you're saying that you know it's nice. You know you look good in it and don't need anyone to tell you you do. I don't know. Maybe I'm overthinking this- actually scratch that. I KNOW I'm overthinking this, but I just find it so interesting that I can't just say a simple thank you to someone. I always have to have that "oh!" At the beginning. 

Til next time,
Nessie <3


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