Thursday, December 17, 2015

First love. First kiss.

Hello blog, it's been a while. 

First I became distracted with NaNoWriMo this year! I started off so well! I wrote about 5,000 words in the first day which gave me a nice head start! For the first week I kept writing and writing and managed a good 10k! 

Than I began to feel sick one day (thanks hormones!) and another day I had absolutely no energy. This continued for about a week or so. A whole week of writing lost. I became very far behind but determined to catch up so I began writing again and eventually I made it to 20k! I had caught back up. 

Than it happened again. Lack of energy, going to bed at 7pm. Things were not looking up. A week before the end of the month I was determined, once again, to write! I got 5k done in one Friday night! Than 10k in one day! I had 35k! I had caught up (again!). There was only a week left. 2k a day. I could do it! But sadly no. I lost motivation. I ended with 35k and did not win NaNo this year. 

But that's okay and not why we're here today. I'm here to write day3 of the 30 day challenge (which is long over due!). This post is about my first kiss and my first love. Lucky for me they were by the same man (the one I ended up marrying!) so this should be easy. 

My first kiss was at the age of 19 with my (now) husband. We had been dating for a few weeks but he was so scared to kiss me. This was to be my first real kiss and he was under a lot of pressure to make it good. He was so nervous of doing something wrong. Finally, one night while watching a movie, he turned my head towards him and just did it. I was so nervous I didn't know what to do so I kind of hid my tongue. We broke apart and he asked me where my tongue was and I laughed a little nervously and we tried again, this time I put my tongue out there and just kind of let him do the work. 

It maybe have been a bit of a wait for me to have my first kiss but it was worth it. 

He's also the first and only man I've ever loved (outside family of course!). I'm one of the few lucky ones who can say that I fell in love with only one person.  That I've kissed one guy. Made love to one person. Forever. 

Some may think that's crazy, but not me. I think it's rare and special. 

It hasn't ways been easy loving him. Some days he makes it difficult but when I try to imagine my life without him- I just can't. He's been a constant supporter for me, always there when I need that shoulder to cry on. He's the one who grounds me when I need it. He catches me when I fall. He laughs with me. Cries with me. He's never failed to cheer me up when I desperately needed it. 

No, life wouldn't be the same without him. 

And now we're expecting our first child together. We are both overwhelmingly excited for it. We weren't ready the first time, and I think God, or the universe, or whatever it is out there knew it and that may have been why the baby didn't come to term. But this time we are. This time there are no doubts. We're ready for 2 to become 3. 

Til next time


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