Am I a feminist?
I've been hearing a lot about feminism and what makes someone a feminist. Mostly I see these things on tumblr, mainly thanks to Taylor Swift who has declared herself one. And it got me wondering... Am I a feminist?
From my understanding feminism is, in a nutshell, believing in equal rights for me and women, rather than the male dominated world we currently live in. As a woman I do believe we should be equal to men. What makes a guy so special? Why are they seen as the "leaders" of the world while women are seen as the "supporters".
I go to google and type the word in, and this is the definition they give me (thanks to Wikipedia).
- Feminism is a range of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve equal political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.
Sounds fair, right? So in all I would say, yes I'm a feminist. But what bothers me is that people think that feminism has to be broken into different types. I don't know a lot about it but one thing I have heard is "white feminism" which, from what I've heard is basically colored women saying that white women don't understand feminism because we have it easier than they do. My problem with that is that once race or culture comes into play it is no longer a case of feminism... It's racism. Why pick battles with women because "white women" have it easier than they do. That's not our fault. That's society and cultures. It shouldn't be a battle between women. So stop pitting women against women when it comes to feminism.
On another note- I'm not an active feminist. I'm not crazy and over excited about the topic; it's like religion- I believe there's a God but I don't flaunt and express the fact. It's enough for me to believe we deserve to be equal but I don't need to push others into it or rub it in their face. That's why people hate feminists. Too many people get way too into it, yelling and screaming, and turning people off from us. I don't want to be one of those.
I get offended by the "women in the kitchen" jokes or the assumption that women can't do certain things. It's wrong. Women can do anything a man can do and I wish they would begin to see that.
Sadly that's all I have to say really.
Til next time
Nessie <3